Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Essay I Instructions

This essay will build on a single idea that emerged in the first writing assignment.  Start by identifying the main ideas or subtopics found in your first assignment.  If, for example, you chose to write about the fifty billion dollar option, your list might look like this:
  • Luxury mansion
  • World travel
  • Automobiles
  • Friends and family
  • Charity work
  • Career as a saxaphonist
Once you've identified the main ideas, choose whichever one you find most interesting.  Develop this single subtopic into a well-developed essay of approximately 1000 words.

The two most important skills involved are 1) using specific examples to fully develop your ideas, and 2) presenting this information in an organized manner by using focused paragraphs.  In addition, please format your essay according to the MLA guidelines found on page 429 of the handbook.  A sample MLA essay begins on page 436.  (Note: as research is not involved in this essay, no citations or works cited page is needed.)  In addition to these guidelines, please attach your pages with a single staple in the upper left corner.

The essay is due on Monday, January 4.

Please email me if you have questions.  Good luck.

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