Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Assignment for 1/28

This is the first assignment in the process of writing your first essay.  We will take the ideas you discover here and develop and organize them.  For now, simply try to answer one of the questions below as completely as possible in approximately 500 words.

  1. You inherit fifty billion dollars.  What will you do with the money?  Where will you live?  How will you spend your days?
  2. Think about an aspect of your life you would like to improve.  What do you hope to change about yourself, and why?  How will you go about it?  What are your goals?  What obstacles do you anticipate?
  3. Where do you see yourself in ten years?  Where do you see yourself living, and what do you hope to be doing?  Try to be as realistic as possible.
These questions are starting points and can be interpreted in a variety of ways.  Feel free to focus on any aspect of them you like.

Please bring a typed/printed (double-spaced) copy to Monday's class.  Use your imagination and have fun.

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