Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Essay One Instructions

A Report from Exotic Territory

How would you would complete the sentence: “I know more than the average person about…”? Are you, for example, a bowler?  A dumpster diver?  A bird watcher?  A bartender?  Start by identifying a specific subculture to which you belong.

Once you’ve identified a topic, write a short (1000 word) essay educating the rest of us about your topic.  You might think of this as a survival guide to your chosen subculture.  Although you aren’t expected to approach the assignment in exactly the same way, Lars Eighner’s “On Dumpster Diving” should serve as a useful model (note: as of this posting, "On Dumpster Diving" hasn't yet been assigned.  It will be.)

Your audience consists of members of our class, so you think about how much we do and don’t know about your topic.  In class, we’ve been discussing specific examples, concrete details, generalizations, and abstract statements.  Be sure to keep these concepts in mind as you compose your essay.

Your manuscript should be formatted according to MLA guidelines.  Consult your handbook for details.  A sample paper begins on page 436.  The due date will be announced in class and/or posted here.

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