Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Discovering Detailed Examples

[Friday class does not need to complete anything yet.  This assignment will be explained in class.]

During our next meeting, you will begin narrowing your general topic toward a more precise subtopic.  As we will discuss in class, this subtopic should be specific enough to address in a 1000-word essay.  Because you only have 1000 words, topics like "golf," "nursing," and "Angry Birds" are far too broad.  There is just too much to say about these things.

Once you have a suitably specific subtopic in mind, begin listing as many details as you can.  Begin by listing details that fit into the following categories:

  • Sights
  • Sounds
  • Smells
  • Tastes
  • Physical (tactile) feelings
  • Emotions
  • Names (of people, places, objects, and concepts)
  • Facts and statistics
  • Analogies
  • Testimony (What have others said about your topic?)
  • Stories
Once you have listed at least a few examples from each of the categories above, freewrite for an additional fifteen minutes, expanding on your favorite examples.

Please bring this to class on Thursday (T/Th section only).

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