Thursday, September 13, 2012

Assignment for Next Week

This assignment should serve as the first step in writing your first essay.

If you haven't already chosen a general topic, please do so.  Next, spend a minimum of twenty minutes freewriting with goal of discovering as many subtopics as you possibly can.  Lars Eighner's general topic is Dumpster diving; his subtopics include safety, finding the best dumpsters, competition among scavengers, the origins of the word "Dumpster," college students, the ethics of dumpster diving, hazards of dumpster diving, materialism in U.S. society, and several more.

Please come to class next week with a general topic and a list of at least ten subtopics.  This does not need to be typed, and it does not need to be neat.  It does need to demonstrate that you have thought considerably about your topic.

For the Tuesday/Thursday section, this is due on Tuesday the 18th.
For the Friday section, this is due on Friday the 21st.

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