Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Topic Proposal Instructions

By now you should have discovered a precise topic and done a significant amount of reading about it.  Hopefully, you've become something of an expert on it.  Now it's time to draw on your expertise and tell the world what it needs to know about your topic.

This assignment is intended to get your started in formulating your argument and thinking about the examples you will use to support it.  Here are the instructions:

In a document modeled on the example on page 405, describe your topic, working thesis, and major examples.  After reading your proposal, I should have a sense of:
  1. What your topic is.
  2. Why the topic matters to you.
  3. Why the topic matters to readers (and who those specific readers are).
  4.  What you have observed and concluded from your research thus far.  In other words, what do you plan to argue?  What is your essay’s working thesis?
  5. What reasons and evidence (mention specific sources) you plan to use to support your argument.
This assignment is due on Monday, May 23.  Please email me if you have any questions.

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