Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Instructions for Wednesday, 5/4

Hi.  Here are some more detailed instructions for Wednesday's class:

1. Read the Slate article on cursive writing (linked in the previous post), and be prepared to discuss it.
2. Based on what you learned about specific topics and claims in Monday's class, choose a suitably precise essay topic.
  • Write your topic down.
  • Spend some time reading about your topic and discovering what other people are saying about it.  It will help to make some notes.  (Any notes you include don't need to be organized or even legible to anyone but yourself.)
  • Try to develop a working thesis.  This is a tentative thesis that you will use to begin organizing your ideas.  It's okay if this changes as you write your essay.  This is an expected part of the writing process.  You will receive feedback during class on whether your thesis is specific and arguable.  
Please email me with any questions.  See you in class.

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