Friday, May 27, 2011

Final Essay Instructions

You've already done most of the work (refer to this post) that will determine the shape of your essay, but here is a formal listing of the instructions and requirements.

Using the research you've already completed, write a 1700-2000 word academic essay that:
  1. Contains an original, arguable thesis.  Your essay should add something new to the discussion of your topic rather than simply summarize existing research.
  2. Supports claims with examples from credible sources.
  3. Uses a suitably professional tone.
  4. Cites sources according to MLA guidelines.
  5. Builds on the effective writing strategies already discussed in the course: specific examples, paragraph focus, essay focus, format/punctuation/mechanics, strong ethical appeal, thesis/support, etc.
This essay is due at the time of the final exam (Monday, June 6).  In addition to your final draft, you should submit all earlier drafts, outlines, brainstorming, research notes, etc.

Good luck.

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