Thursday, October 11, 2012

Research Essay Instructions

You've already done a significant amount of work on this assignment, but just to ensure that everyone knows what the final product should look like, here are the formal instructions:

Start with a topic that you genuinely want to know more about.  Perhaps this is a topic connected to your academic major.  Once you've identified an area of interest, conduct enough research to make yourself something of an expert.  Using your new expertise, write a 1500-2000 word academic essay that:

  1. Contains an original, arguable thesis.  Your essay should add something new to the discussion of your topic rather than simply summarize existing research.  See the recently-assigned passages in the handbook for more information about what makes a suitable thesis.
  2. Supports claims with examples from credible sources.
  3. Follows the conventions of academic writing.
  4. Cites sources according to MLA guidelines.
  5. Builds on the effective writing strategies already discussed in the course: specific examples, paragraph focus, essay focus, format/punctuation/mechanics, strong ethical appeal, thesis/support, etc.
This essay will be due in approximately three weeks.  An exact date will be announced.

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