Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Due Date Reminder

Don't forget that the research essay is due this week.  Dates are 11/1 for the Tuesday/Thursday section, and 11/2 for the Friday section.

As announced in class, the essay will be evaluated by the following criteria:
  • Builds on skills introduced by Essay I (e.g. development, paragraph focus, essay focus, technical issues).
  • Demonstrates effective use of outside sources.  Particular attention will be given to sources' credibility.
  • Effectively integrates source material and uses this material to support the essay's thesis.  (Pay attention to choices about how material is integrated [quoted, paraphrased, summarized].  Be sure to use signal phrases to connect examples to the thesis.)
  • Documents sources according to MLA guidelines.
Please contact me if you have any questions.

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