M/W and T/R sections can disregard this post.
Other than writing as much as possible, the number one thing a person can do to become a better writer is to read. Paying attention to how accomplished writers use language to create meaning will teach you a great deal. What you read matters less than the fact that you do it on a regular basis. And the way to ensure that you read on a regular basis is find something that you enjoy.
Your task, then, for next week is to find a novel that you want to read this quarter. Eventually, you'll be given a series of online writing assignments related to the novel, but for now I'd like you to simply choose one. Maybe you've always wanted to read Moby Dick. Maybe you're curious about Twilight. Your selection doesn't need to be especially literary as long as it's something you think you'll enjoy. The only requirement is that it be a text novel geared toward adults.
Visit the library this week and browse. Check out a few possibilities and bring them home. Choose the one you'd most like to work with this quarter and bring it to class on Friday September 16.
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