Friday, September 16, 2011

Assignment for Week Three

By now you should have generated loads of information on your topic.  It's time to begin thinking about organizing that information into a focused essay.  For week three (specific sections' due dates below), please create a very rough outline based on the information you've discovered.  A sample is below.

1. Topic [Dumpster Diving]
2. Thesis/Main Idea/Conclusion [Dumpster diving is a far more complex endeavor than most people realize.]
3. Why the thesis matters [It is 1) interesting and 2) will help readers reject simplistic and unfair stereotypes about this subculture.]
4. Outline for one focused paragraph:
      Topic sentence [Eating from a dumpster involves many risks.]
          Example 1. [Dysentery]
          Example 2. [Botulism]
          Example 3. [Unexpected drunkenness]

Please bring these outlines to class on the following dates:

M/W: 9/21
T/R:  9/20
F: 9/23

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