Thursday, October 21, 2010


Hi, everyone.

I just want to make sure people are clear about certain expectations regarding the submission of written work.

Unless you've made other arrangements, written work is expected at the beginning of class on the day it is due.  In exceptional circumstances, professors will sometimes accept an emailed copy as a placeholder until a hard copy can be delivered.  These circumstances include sudden illness or other emergency; excuses like running out of printer ink or file compatibility problems will not be accepted by most professors.

When an electronic copy of an assignment is submitted in lieu of a hard copy, a student should: 1) Submit the electronic version by the assigned due date, and 2) Deliver the hard copy as soon as possible.

I've been pretty lenient so far about deadlines, and I'm afraid I'm giving some people the wrong idea about what other professors will expect.  Now that I've made this clarification, I'm going to be a bit more strict about accepting late work.

Let me know if you have any questions.  See you tomorrow.

PS: Please don't forget to arrive at least five minutes early for your scheduled conference.

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