Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Updated Schedule

This schedule supersedes all previous versions. I have attempted to indicate days when readings will be assigned, but this may change.

Tuesday 10/20: Commas in a series and after introductory elements. Evaluating and incorporating sources.
Thursday 10/22: Comma splices and run-ons. Documenting sources.
Tuesday 10/27: Revision workshop. Bring the most complete draft you have, along with any other notes or materials.
Thursday 10/29: Essay Two due. Into to imagery and figurative language.

Tuesday 11/3: Book review presentations. All book reviews due.
Thursday 11/5: Book review presentations.

Tuesday 11/10: Commas with nonrestrictive elements. Essay Three assigned and discussed. Intro to persuasion.
Thursday 11/12: Misplaced modifiers. Persuasion, continued. Reading discussion.

Tuesday 11/17: Punctuation with quotation marks. Reasoning and fallacies.
Thursday 11/19: Dashes and hyphens. Other types of writing: business, technical, etc.

Tuesday 11/24: Literary writing. Reading discussion.
Thursday 11/26: Thanksgiving.

Tuesday 12/1: Final essay workshop. Last day for guaranteed comments.
Thursday 12/3: Last day of class. Recap and wrap-up.

Thursday 12/10: Final exam (bring handbook and #2 pencil). Final essay due.

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