Thursday, September 10, 2015

Speed Reading Article Quiz

1. The article opens with a description of what?
  1. The time the author could not read the instructions in the Bangkok subway.
  2. The time the author tried to read all of Moby Dick in one night.
  3. The number of unread articles, emails, and novels the author has accumulated. 
  4. The amount of reading the average person does in a typical day.

2. Which of the following speed-reading techniques does the article discuss?
  1. Suppressing the impulse to think about the sound of words.
  2. Reading only the first two words of every sentence.
  3. Reading only the first and last line of every paragraph.
  4. Skimming the text and noting all of the nouns and verbs.

3. What are saccades?
  1. The eye movements a reader makes between words.
  2. The neurons associated with language acquisition.
  3. Microscopic arrows within text that may one day be a feature of all printed material. 
  4. Ancient Egyptian scribes who specialized in easy-to-read hieroglyphics. 

4. The quotation from Woody Allen is about what?
  1. Picking up women.
  2. Filling up his apartment with unread books.
  3. Taking eleven years to finish Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
  4. Reading War and Peace in twenty minutes.

5. Which statement best describes the article’s conclusion about speed reading?

  1. It is not useful at all, and speed reading advocates are quacks.
  2. It is not useful at present but will become the dominant form of reading in coming decades.
  3. It may be useful for skimming, but it remains inadequate for large and complex texts.
  4. New technologies make speed reading very practical and everyone should learn it.

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