Monday, August 25, 2014

Assignment #1

For our second class, please read this article on classroom etiquette and write a short reaction paper.

Your paper should discuss your personal response to the article. Do you agree with the author's advice for respectful classroom behavior? Do you disagree? Do you think will attempt to follow the advice? Will this be a challenge for you? Why or why not? Be honest; you won't necessarily impress me my insisting that the article's advice is perfect and every student should follow it at all times. (Note: the author addresses his article to men, but the advice is universal. Self-respect and good citizenship are certainly not limited to a single gender.)

Reaction papers should be 300-500 words and formatted according to MLA guidelines, as listed on page 429 of the handbook. Page 436 shows a sample MLA paper.

Please email me if you have questions. 

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