Monday, April 8, 2013

Final Essay Instructions (and assignment for Wednesday)

Begin by identifying a problem in society.  This could be an injustice, danger, misunderstanding, controversy, or any other situation that would benefit from reexamination or change.  A sampling of problems from this morning's headlines includes the following:
  • The male characters on the program Girls are inauthentic.
  • Despite similar costumes, modern Tea Party values conflict with the values present in Colonial Williamsburg.
  • The Caveman Diet lacks scientific rigor.
  • People in Ohio are being unfairly jailed for unpaid debts.
If you choose a well-known social issue (e.g.: gun control, abortion, capital punishment) be very careful to choose a very specific aspect of that issue in order to avoid simply restating the well-known, tired arguments on either side of each of these issues.

Similarly, be sure to choose a manageable topic.  No one is going to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 1500 words.

Once you choose a suitable topic, you will write a 1500 word essay that accomplishes the following:
  1. Describes the situation and demonstrates that a problem truly exists.
  2. Proposes a specific response (or solution) to the problem.
  3. Convincingly argues that the proposed response is the best response.
This should be enough to get you started.  Please come to Wednesday's class with a list of five possible topics (no need to type this, but you will hand it in).  More specific requirements and guidelines will be posted later this week.

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