Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Book Review Assignment Guidelines

The book review assignment won't be due until the final weeks of the course, but I want to briefly outline the requirements now.

Your assignment is to write a review of the book you've read this term. After the research essay is turned in, we will spend a day reading a sample book review that may be used as a model for the review you write.   The most important guideline is that your review should do more than summarize.  Instead, the review should articulate your honest reaction to the book.  This might include answers to some (but not all) of the following questions:

  • Was the book enjoyable? 
  • Was the book believable?
  • Was the book easy or difficult to read?
  • Did the book challenge the way you think?
  • Did it teach you anything new?
  • What was the most/least interesting part of the book?
Remember, that your audience is a room full of people who might consider reading your book based on your review.  What are the most important things those people need to know in order to decide whether reading the book was a worthwhile experience?  

Reviews should be 500-700 words.  On the day reviews are due, each student will give a short presentation introducing his or her book to the class.  Presentations should cover the main points included in the written review.  The due date will be announced.

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