ENGLISH 151: Writing
and Rhetoric I
Winter 2012
Course: ENG 151 (5)
Instructor: Jim Fox
Email: foxj1@ohio.edu
Home Phone:
Office: Elson 226
Office Hours: T/R 12:30-1:10
and by appointment
Class Number
Meeting Time
Final Exam
T/Th 1:10-3:30
WPTC 520
Th, 3/15 @ 1:10
Essay I: 15%
Essay II: 25%
Essay III: 35%
Assignments and quizzes: 15%
Final exam: 10%
Total: 100%
Participation: +/- 10%
Grading scale: 93-100 A, 90-92 A-,
87-89 B+, 83-86 B, 80-82 B-, 77-79 C+, 73-76 C, 70-72 C-, 67-69 D+, 63-66 D,
60-62 D-, 0-59 F
Essays: You will write three short
essays using the rhetorical skills we cover in class. These essays will be evaluated using a two-part grading
system—one portion of the grade will evaluate the writing process, and a second
portion will evaluate the final product.
Essay length and other requirements will be announced.
Assignments: Readings and short
(one page or less) writing assignments will be announced in class. Plan for a reading and/or writing
assignment for most class meetings.
Reading quizzes: Class meetings
will sometimes begin with a short multiple choice or short answer quiz based on
the reading assigned for that day.
Students who carefully read the assigned text should have no trouble
earning high quiz grades.
Participation: This grade reflects
the extent to which each student demonstrates a commitment to learning and
becoming a better writer. The most
obvious ways to do so are by making regular and thoughtful contributions to
class discussion, scoring high on quizzes, and doing your very best work on
both in and out-of-class assignments.
Writer’s Reference 7th ed. Diana Hacker & Nancy Sommers
You will be asked to print out
readings and essays, so budget accordingly.
Attendance: Plan to attend every
class. Students who miss more than
10% of scheduled meetings will be penalized on a scale corresponding to amount
of time missed (e.g. a student who misses an additional 5% of class meetings
will have his or her final course grade reduced by 5%). Any student who misses more than 30% of
scheduled meetings will automatically fail the class. For an absence to be excused due to bona fide medical,
personal, or family emergency, students should contact the instructor
immediately upon returning to class.
Although I sympathize with
students struggling to balance work, childcare, and other commitments with
their education, these do not constitute valid reasons for missing class.
Make-up work: It is the student’s
responsibility to make up, at the convenience of the instructor, class
assignments and previously scheduled quizzes or exams missed due to excused
absence. Work missed due to
unexcused absences may not be made up.
If a student misses class on the day an assignment is due, I will accept
an emailed copy as a placeholder until a hard copy can be submitted on the
student’s first day back in class.
Late work: Late work will not be
accepted. Back up all computer
files, keep a copy of everything you hand in, and be prepared for printing
Phones: Please silence and put away
all phones. Texting is highly
distracting; any student seen texting during class can expect a participation
grade of F.
Plagiarism is the act of using
someone else’s words, ideas, or structures as your own and without proper
documentation. It is a serious
academic offense whether intentional or not and may result in a failing grade
on an essay, a failing grade in the course, and referral to university authorities.
“Ohio University is committed to accessibility for all
students. At the college level,
students with disabilities are eligible for accommodations under the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA, 1990).
Any student who feels that S/HE [sic] may need an
accommodation based upon the impact of a disability should contact Teresa
Headley, DISABILITIES COORDINATOR, to privately discuss HER/HIS [sic] specific
needs. STUDENTS WHO are not yet
registered as a student with a documented disability SHOULD contact Teresa in
the Learning Advancement Center, VIA PHONE, (740) 588-1510, or via email at headley@ohio.edu.”
- Changes to the following schedule will be announced in class and/or electronically.
- Quizzes, assignments, and readings are not listed on this schedule; they will be announced in class.
1. Course
overview, forms of communication, first day essay, precise language,
generalizations. Thesis, focus,
and organization.
2. Rhetorical
situation. Types of writing.
3. Informative
and descriptive writing. Specific
examples. Essay I due.
4. Introduction
to Argument. Essay II assigned.
5. Logic
and fallacies. Analysis.
6. Essay II due. Evaluating sources, using the library and internet.
7. Introduction
to research. Locating sources
using the library and internet. Plagiarism,
integrating sources, citations.
8. Analysis.
9. Conferences,
Revision workshop.
10. Last
week of class. Evaluations.
Finals Week: Exam. Final essay due.
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