Monday, April 11, 2011

Manuscript Format Guidelines

We'll talk during Monday's class about what an academic paper should look like.  For this paper, you'll follow MLA guidelines, which are explained here:

Certain classes will require you to use APA guidelines; these guidelines are also available at Purdue's OWL.

Below are a few common mistakes students make.  Be advised: you will lose points on your paper if you do not follow these instructions.

  • Staple: Your pages should be attached with a single staple in the upper left corner.  I do not carry a stapler to class.  Please don't ask me.
  • Title: Your paper needs one. A title does more than name the assignment.  For example, "Essay One" is unsuitable.  A title does more than name the topic.  For example, "My Grandmother's Kitchen" needs to do more. A title should create interest, and sum up the work in just a few words.  "Cinnamon Flavored Hair Dye" might be a good title for an essay that tells the story of a grandmother who mixed up her hair care products with her kitchen spices.
  • Paragraph Spacing: As the guidelines state, your essay should be double spaced throughout.  No additional spacing should appear between paragraphs.  Warning: recent versions of Microsoft Word insert extra spacing as a default setting.  You will need to change this.
We'll talk more about these issues in class.

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